I do my best to research and fact check the information on this blog but please keep in mind that every article on this blog is for informational purposes only. If you have any health issues or concerns please discuss them with your pharmacist or doctor.
Every individual has their own issues and each skin and body reacts differently to various products. I cannot guarantee that what worked for me will be suitable for you as well, especially in terms of ingredients. Please make sure that products do not contain ingredients that you are allergic to and always try some samples if you are unsure of a product’s performance.
If certain articles on this blog are sponsored, it will always clearly state so. The blog might contain some affiliate links but this will not influence my reviews whatsoever as I will mainly use them for products that I love and would genuinely recommend to you. Sometimes the products I recommend are difficult to find which is why I spend time finding the item online with no delivery fee where possible.
Regarding the images on this blog, all photographs are under the copyright of Lipstick Cafe and its author, unless otherwise stated. There are few pictures that are not Lipstick Cafe’s, which will always have the source at the bottom of the articles. Every effort goes into giving credits to the author.
In regards to the background image of this blog, check the source here.
For any other concerns or questions please do not hesitate to contact me.