Makeup,  Skincare,  Tips and Favourites

2024 Beauty Resolutions

With a delayed start I will share my beauty resolutions for 2024. Beauty for me means a routine in my own terms, it means fun, adventure, research and leisure. Through it, I often found my joy, healed wounds, distracted myself from bigger issues or soothed my soul. I want 2024 to be a year of revivals, of experimentation and vibrancy. 


1. Using Up the Cosmetics I’ve Already Got


Perhaps the biggest resolution for me this year is to try and hold back from purchasing more beauty products and use up what I’ve got so far. I have hundreds and hundreds of creams, pots and lotions, dozens of choices of bronzers, foundations and probably just short of 100 lipsticks. Most of them are probably already expired. My plan is to go through them and make the most of what I already have before purchasing new items (as tempting as that is!).


2. Leaving New Lipstick Marks on My Coffee Cup 


If you’ve been following Lipstick Café for a while, then you know the Story of the Café. As a red lipstick lover, I am often known to leave berry toned marks of lipstick on my coffee cups and glasses. For a while, I had lost my voice, and with it, my lips were sealed. In 2024, I want to rediscover my passion for writing about beauty and post again on Lipstick Café. It will be fun posts, easy to read articles and I will try to find my vulnerability and post more personal stories and moments. Perhaps, I will leave my mark through lipstick colours. 

3. Silk Touches 


No more cotton pillowcases for me! As fancy as it sounds – and yes, I love luxury and sophisticated things; I can finally say that with no shame – I will stick to using my 100% Mulberry silk pillowcase which seems to make my skin and hair look much better and keep them both in a healthier condition. Perhaps, with some luck, I would enter in the possession of a silk pyjama as well. 

4. More Thoughts on Products


I get asked so often about so many products by various people and then I regret not writing more short posts and reviews on my blog. I will think of a way to post about more products I use and what I think of them. 


5. Top Up the Everyday Luxury


Going back to fancy, luxurious things like the silk pillowcase, I intend to stop saving my expensive cosmetics for special occasions. It is time to use up my Chanel shower gel, my Augustinus Bader face cream, Dior and Chanel perfumes and light up all those high-end brand scented candles. I am sure I am not the only one who saves up the most expensive and best products in their collection for special days only – and then they all expire and go dry or change in texture. It is time to use up the Hugo Boss body lotion, enjoy my favourite and very expensive perfume whenever I feel like it, and give myself the choice of loving all these things on my own terms, everyday, without any sense of shame or guilt. If I feel like using a £18 sheet mask on a random day I stay at home, then so be it. 

6. Body Paint


I recently went to a black-tie gala and decided to use my expensive Lisa Eldridge Liquid Highlighter on my shoulders, arms and legs. The effect was gorgeous! Not too sparkly, not glittery, but just luminous and fresh – my skin had never looked better. In 2024 I will not shy away from using more cosmetics on my body as well, not just the face. How else to achieve that delicious JLo glow look?


7. Unashamedly Bare-Faced 


In 2024 I will show up to meetings, events or for outings with friends with no makeup on unless I feel like applying it. Usually, the process of applying makeup is my favourite part before going out or leaving the house, but recently I had more and more days when my energy levels were low or I simply did not care about it. In 2024, I want to allow myself to not look good, to show up bare-faced and be myself however I feel like it. Being good at makeup means knowing how to cover up any signs of fatigue, illness, disappointment or flaw. If I want to, no one would be able to tell I haven’t slept or that I have a terrible cold. For this year though, I will stop accommodating other people and let myself actually look unwell if I do not feel like covering it up. 

8. No Rules or Trends


Influencers, bloggers, YouTube videos, I must admit I am a bit out of the loop when it comes to beauty trends. It feels good! 2024 will be about trying any colours and textures I want, about applying makeup the best way it suits me, and generally enjoying beauty products without following any rules or expectations. 


What are your 2024 beauty resolutions? 




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