Roaccutane: Month Five. The effects of winter
The fifth month into the treatment did not start brilliantly, as my face was inflamed, looking blotchy and very red. I had a huge pimple on my cheek, next to my mouth, that grew bigger and bigger under the skin. It hurt, and lasted for almost a week. It left a beautiful red scar behind it, which was very visible. It seemed like I will always lose the battle against acne… You kill one and five more appear.
Roaccutane: Best Skincare for Very Dry Skin
If you think your skin will look very dry, red and unattractive during Roaccutane, think again. You can minimise the side effects with an excellent skincare routine, lots of care and research. I prepared a list of products I have used while taking this medication and that I feel worked beautifully. Most of them were recommended to me by a professional beautician with many years of experience.
Month four of Roaccutane: Be careful with travelling!
During this month I travelled from the wet Scotland to a dry, cold country (significantly colder, with negative 22 Celsius Degrees). I have learnt that travelling while on Roaccutane is not easy...
Month Three of Roaccutane. The Worst Month
After about five days of severe back pain I decided to call my dermatologist and make sure it is not my kidneys. They very quickly ended the phone call saying that the medicine causes muscle and back pain and me walking so much in the very cold weather (about 20 km every day) is increasing the side effects. I also visited a pharmacy to express my concern, but they told me to speak to my dermatologist...
Month two of Roaccutane. Issues with my liver?
For the second month I was prescribed 30mg a day. This month passed by very quickly, as it was a busy month for me, and so I did not have time to think too much about Roaccutane. I found out the results from my initial blood test regarding some liver enzymes (before taking Roaccutane) were not that great but for some reason the doctors assumed I had drunk alcohol before the test and that’s why. That was not the case, so I got slightly worried. I panicked a bit – if my blood results were not fantastic before the treatment even begun, now what?
Roaccutane: How I minimised side effects
Taking Isotretinoin as a treatment for acne is a long process and it will take months, so you need to optimise it to suit you and your lifestyle. After nine and a half months of treatment, I prepared a list of things that I think will really help. These are the things that I did in order to have a positive experience:
First Month of Roaccutane. Scared and excited – what happened?
I was extremely nervous to start my treatment. I have heard so many horror stories online, that I started to feel like I was waiting for a bomb to go off. For a few days my skin got really itchy, my scalp included, my face was very reactive and red, itched a lot. Therefore, I took the first strong action since I started the medicine...
Roaccutane: Prescriptions, Appointments and what to expect
The first step you need to do is to go to your GP and ask for help with your acne. It is the GP that has to refer you to the dermatologist for a possible Isotretinoin treatment. Once you get prescribed Isotretinoin in the UK you follow a very strict set of rules which have never been bent for me.
Isotretinoin (Roaccutane) Skin History and the Beginning of My Journey
This is a topic that it is not easy to write about. Acne is very often catalogued today as a disease and can severely impact self-confidence and everyday life. After such a long time having this skin condition, I decided to take Isotretinoin, mostly known as Roaccutane (UK) or Accutane (USA), which is a strong and controversial oral treatment for severe acne. Given these horror stories that fill the internet about Isotretinoin, I decided to document and track my journey and publish it so that everyone curious about it can read about my experience.
23 Affordable Christmas Beauty Gifts: luxury items from £4 to £15
This year was difficult for most of us and the budget for Christmas gifts might prove to be tighter than usual. I found some amazing choices of beauty Christmas gifts under £5, £10 and £15. They are so good that you will not believe it! With a mixture of affordability, luxury brands and very well known products, this article is divided into categories according to price to make it easier for you.